
Unwind Rewind 74 ‘To the moon and back’

Letting the music take us to the moon and back…. We discuss the meaning of this Aquarius full moon and its effect on us, on our planet and on waters… Ending with a metaphor on love, separation and distance in a journey through time and space…

1The 5th DimensionAquarius/Let The Sunshine In
2Freak PowerMoonbeam Woman
3Norah JonesShoot the moon
4Cat StevensMoonshadow
5Wild RiversWandering Child
6Carla BruniMoon river
7The Tallest Man On EarthRivers
8Melody GardotLove Me Like A River Does
9Nick DrakeRiver Man
10Leon BridgesRiver
11Carole KingI Feel The Earth Move
12Simon & GarfunkelCitizen of the Planet 
13Paul WellerMoon on Your Pyjamas
14Jefferson StarshipCount On Me
15Elton JohnRocket Man (I Think It’s Going to Be a Long Long Time)
16David BowieLife on Mars
Listen to all the songs compiled on my Unwind Rewind Spotify Playlist – without the talking
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