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Unwind Rewind 84 There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in

As Leonard Cohen teaches us

“Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in”

Ahead of Hanukkah, the festival of light , we go back to our childhood dreams, our heartbreaks and connect to our inner child’s wishes. We remind ourselves to accept darkness in order to have light. We remember that we are all equal even if different. That the contrast of black & white is necessary in order to find balance. No darkness without light, no light without darkness.

May you all have a wonderful Hanukkah and get lost in an abundance of light…

1Milk Carton KidsAll the things…
2Roberta FlackThe first time I ever saw your face
3The CardigansLovefool
4John PrineI remember everything
5GrandaddyHewlett’s daughter
6Johnny Cash & Rosie Nix AdamsFather & daughter
7Paul SimonMother & Child reunion
8John LennonWoman
9SantanaBlack Magic Woman
10Harry Connick JrRecipe for love
11Billy JoelSummer, Highland Falls
12Leonard CohenAnthem
13Travis BirdsCoyotes
14Ilay Bodner & Ran DanknerShavim (Equals)
15BahamasLost in the light
collage by me – signed by Leonard Cohen 2010


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