
Unwind Rewind season 2 episode 21 ‘Follow your dreams’

Today we follow the sun & we follow our dreams…

1Cat StevensWind of My Soul
2Xavier RuddFollow The Sun
3The BeatlesI’ll Follow The Sun
4YolaFaraway Look
5Dan AuerbachNever In My Wildest Dreams
6Fiona AppleSleep to Dream
7Jamie CullumWind cries Mary
8Fleetwood MacDreams
9Robin ThickeDreamworld
10Rod StewartIn a broken dream
11StereophonicsHandbags And Gladrags
12Bon IverPerth
13Jasper SteverlinckThat’s not how dreams are made
14Mama CassDream a little dream of me
15Everly BrothersAll I have to do is dream
16Seu JorgeWhen I live my dream
17The Grass RootsLet’s live for today


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