i – PRO is a project meant to fight the plague of anti-Semitism spreading throughout Europe and the United States. How? By bringing non-Jewish trendsetters (aged 18-40) from different domains: mass-media, journalism, entertainment, business, high-tech industries and more, for a fully funded visit to Israel. Our plan is to expose them to the human element of Israel, meet up with Israelis and then later, allow our guests to share their experiences with thousands of followers on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Instead of giving up lets fight back and contribute our part. Because nothing beats seeing things with your own eyes. Especially these days when your local media tend to be very one-sided against Israel. And unfortunately, I cannot blame the audience for watching and forming their opinions based on that information. But if they only knew… Together, we will make certain that Israel receives a fairer representation in the global media. Please click the following link to donate.