Let me know if I’m repeating myself but is there anything nicer than an extra-large-long summer? After being away in Belgium and Europe for a month and a half, seeing August semi-summer becoming September’s autumn with matching heaviness and melancholy, I have now returned to sunny Tel Aviv. What a pleasure it is to bike around town seeing these young and tanned smiley faces. Being back in this lively town where there’s movement outside and places are open late. Reuniting with my beloved city feels so good. We just had our Holidays season: Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippour and Sukkot and a lot of days off. Perfect timing. My other favorite season after May/June here: September/October. The outdoor temperature is perfect now, around 30°C during daytime and with a nice cool breeze at night. Blue skies. The sea is crystal clear and feels like the perfect cleansing. For a morning swim, an afternoon dive or a sunset moment, this is the time where I go to and enjoy the beach. Not every European or foreigner is made for beach life. We’re not used to this, we did not grow up with this. It’s a different concept. For us, beach means vacation, far away places, exotic locations that you only do once or twice a year. A thing to long for when it’s cold and dark and grey. Not your habit, not your daily activity. While here, it’s part of daily life. It’s what locals do in weekends. It just adds up to the quality of life living by the Mediterranean…
Tag: sea
Goodbye Summer.
As you probably have noticed, we were not very active this Summer. Blog-active that is. And it’s all because of one hot thing: SUMMER. As days get colder and leafs start to fall from the trees, it’s time to start a new season of articles from your dearest Marilyn & Josephine. But for now, I just leave you with some impressions of what went on these last few months!
Second hand market, dancing at Remembrance of the Liberation Day, Festival in the Park, Holland Sea Side, chilling at Bar Left.
View on the Galgeweel Lake on the Left Bank of Antwerp, homemade cake for SunCake Day @ Bar Left, jumping in the river in Holland, shooting at the poolside for BE-By Magali Pinchasi
Dad posing in front of some tall ship in the Antwerp harbor, and some nice Antwerp views.
On the roof of the MAS Museum, sipping on milkshakes with friends, losing my clothes to boys at Bar Left, summer legs, some more shooting for Frederick Schnieders, flowertime at the market place.
I hope you all had a great summer as well. We are fully recharged and ready for autumn. Well… kinda. Time for sweater-weather! Here are some of my favorite tracks to make it easier to say goodbye to Summer 2013! ON TO THE NEXT ONE!
Fell in love at the Seaside
Last weekend it was time to get my bikini out and go to the Belgian coast! The weather was so nice I even dared to take a little swim! And trust me, for Belgian standards, this is quite unusual. Can’t wait to go back! Of course there was also time for some clubbing! And although we are not a fashion blog i do wanna share my outfit for the night! Do you like it? Do you recognize the pants? 😉 (Just to be clear, i was wearing shoes when we left the apartment).
Hoping to catch some more sunny snapshots soon!
Sien Josephine
Summer’s in town.
After months of cashmere pullovers, wool scarves (handmade by Marilyn herself of course), thick duffle coats and what else to keep us warm, we can finally shed our winter-skin and bring out the T-shirts. Summer arrived in A-town! Here are some pictures of the first sunny day in Antwerp:
The lovely Alain Deloin
I’ll be visiting the Belgian coast this weekend for sure! You can expect a full picture report 😉